We offer various shipping options locally.
Shipping Charges vary depending on the shipping method selected at check out. Please select your shipping preference and send your order in - once we receive your order - you will receive an order confirmation email that will include the shipping charges, and the total due for your order prior to shipping. Payment processing is not done automatically online due to possible shipping restrictions. Please select your payment preference at check out and we will follow up in the following manner:If payment method selected at Check Out - was Wire Transfer - you will receive an email with the Bank information to proceed with payment. If payment method selected at Check Out - was Credit Card - you will receive a phone call to retrieve the credit card information to process payment. Once your order is shipped - we will email you a tracking number for your convenience. Delivery times will vary depending on shipping method selected: DHL - Worldwide : - Several option available Correos de Costa Rica - Local Deliveries: - 2 to 4 business days Correos de Costa Rica - Worldwide: - 2 to 6 weeks - Regular MailCorreos de Costa Rica - Worldwide: - 4 to 15 days - Courrier Local Messenger Service: 1-4 business days Business days are Monday through Friday 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM, excluding holidays.
The Customer is responsible for providing accurate shipping and contact details as well as any potential fees incurred for returned orders due to inaccurate or other unforeseen delivery/issues. Please be sure to use an active phone number, email, and shipping address to ensure successful product delivery. El tiempo de entrega puede variar según la demanda que presente la empresa de transporte/envió. Art Depot no se hace responsable por daños a la mercadería, atrasos en las entregas, o paquetes perdidos durante el tránsito, si el inconveniente es ocasionado por la empresa de transporte/envío. Al momento de realizarse la entrega, se aplicarán los términos y políticas de entrega de la empresa correspondiente. El cliente se hace responsable de proporcionar detalles de envío y contacto actualizados y precisos y de cualquier tarifa incurrida por pedidos devueltos por información de entrega inexacta o otro imprevisto. Por favor asegúrese de revisar su número de teléfono, correo electrónico y dirección de envío, con el fin de asegurar la entrega exitosa del producto.
We look forward to serving you! |